
And take a deeeep breath into your Womb Space.

Beloved Sister, You've arrived Here, Now, not by chance.

I believe that You have followed an Inner Knowing that will (if You allow it) continue to guide You in this Coming Back Home to the Fullness of your Feminine Spirit.

This is the most natural Journey.

In fact it is a Homecoming.

And it's one that we all must walk (all Beings, beyond gender constructs) in order to restore the

Great Balance to our World.

The Great Mother has been ignored and forgotten for too long. Now, we as Women, as direct manifestations of Her, must revive Her through our Bodies, our Minds, our Souls, so that we can BE the Beacons of this Great Remembrance, so that this Light can permeate and illuminate this Deep Knowing in All.

I humbly offer myself as a Vehicle for this Great Work which is unfolding, and I welcome You to learn more about the Trainings, Programs & Retreats I offer below, to see if they resonate with You, and if You would like to embark upon this miraculous Journey with me as your Guide.

ps. I make a lot of references to the Womb space, but if you don't have a physical womb, bringing your awareness down to the energetic imprint is just (if not more) powerful. More useful clarifications found in the Q&A Section of my Website.

Read More >


"Turiya is a true "Reset and Elevate".

Through her teachings and devotional love, I felt capable of:

Releasing all the masks and pretension

Forgiving myself of not being enough (or being too much)

Cracking my Heart to love fully

Embodying the Truth of my divine feminine

Shining the light of my Soul

Being as I truly AM."

Emilie, Journalist, France

Returning to Love participant 2022

Wise Woman

Group Training

Learn More >

Anchoring Within

Online e-Course

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1:1 Programs

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Wise Woman
Live Training

Samhain 2022 Intake Full. Next Round Samhain 2023

Women, the Time to Remember is Now.

Our Feminine Power is vast, uncontainable and exquisite.

The toxic patriarchal hierarchy that has been ruling the masses for millenia is now shattering.

And in this shattering, there is a "making room" for ALL of your glorious Womanhood to break through, to come to the surface, to glow in the kaleidoscope of Authenticity and True Aliveness.

The Wise Woman Training is a reclamation of all of the lost and buried parts of YourSelf, with the objective that once completed You will:

Know your Holy Power;

Speak your Mystic Truth;

Embody your Divinity.

This Training also invites You to take your place in Sacred Circle to empower and encourage other Women to remember the Wise Woman

That They Are.

During the 7 weeks together we will not be alone. We will be calling in Wise Guides and Ascended Masters to support this Great Re-Birthing, this Great Re-Circling to the Ancient, Wise Ways. 

Every week you will be invited into an Initiation with that particular Feminine Oracle to receive HerStory, Her Transmission, Her Vibrational Frequency so that this blueprint awakens in Your Own Being. Because Her Story is Our Story.

Throughout the Week you will receive Embodiment Practices to fully harness and ground this Wisdom down
 as a Living, Embodied, Integrated Truth.

These Guides, if you are willing, will be your faithful, loving and inspirational allies for the rest of this sojourn on the Earth Plane; supporting You in the Journey of Revealing the Wise Woman Within.

Learn More.

Wise Woman Training

A Cauldron of Myth, Magick & Alchemy


In the 2-Hour Live Weekly Ceremonial Containers we will enter into Sacred Circle as a Council of Wise Women.
Through Myth, Legend & Ceremony, we will unlock keys, decipher hidden messages; and awaken the Wisdom Code Within, on the conscious, subconscious and unconscious level.


During the Week You will receive Video, Audio and Text-Based Practices to harness & further activate the energies through all layers of your Being. These alchemical practices will bring deep transformation, as well as deep regulation to your intricate inner and outer architecture.


You will have access to the Private
Wise Woman Telegram Channel for the Training. With Great Transformation comes the strong need of Great Integration. In this container You will be able to ask questions that are arising; as well as establishing community with the other Women in the Training.

Learn More.

We call in the Wisdom of the
Wise Ones to awaken the Wisdom Within...

Week 1

In the Celtic & Pagan Traditions this is the Official Beginning of the New Year. Together we will begin where we shall end, with the Crone Goddesses, releasing the old, envisioning the new.

Remembering the Art of Conscious Death

Week 2

 Goddess Brigid

In Pre-Christian Ireland & Britain, Brigid was known as the "Bringer of Light". Together we will invoke Her as the Triple Goddess, thus exploring our Cyclical Nature and the Fertile Land of our Body, Mind & Heart.

Remembering the Art of Divine Creation

Week 3

Mary Magdalene

In the Mystical Gnostic Traditions, the balancing of the Feminine and Masculine Energies Within is known as Inner Alchemy. Together we will  learn to awake, balance & rise the White and Red Serpent energies.

Remembering the Art of Sacred Union

Week 4

Durga Ma

In Hinduism, Durga is called upon for Strength, Bravery and Protection. Together we will activate our Holy Power Centre; whilst slaying the Demons of unworthiness so that we courageously Embody our Truth.

Remembering the Art of Holy Power

Week 5
Kuan Yin

In the East-Asian Buddhist Traditions, Kuan Yin is known as the Mother of Mercy. Together we will direct our Soul into a higher octave of this journey thus far, into the blossoming reality of the One Heart.

Remembering the Art of Radical Love

Week 6

 White Buffalo Calf Woman

In the Lakota Tradition, the White Buffalo Calf Woman re-taught the Tribes how to communicate and align with Great Spirit. In Week 6, we will now be sufficiently prepared to  Channel with Great Spirit.

Remembering the Art of Intentional Prayer

Week 7


Recognized as the most important Deity in the Egyptian Pantheon, with Her Epic Presence influencing most Modern-Day Traditions at their root level, Isis will usher us into the Closing 12/12 Ceremony.


 Remembering the Art of Resurrection

Early Bird 

until New Moon 15th October Midnight 2023


Early Bird Investment

£297 (All Inclusive + bonuses)

Regular Investment

£397 (All Inclusive + bonuses)

Payment Plans Available. Email to Find Out More.

This is a Training for those that are burning to cut the final cords of suppression and submission and reawaken the
Wise Woman Within.

Wise Woman will reclaim your inherent

Power, Potency and Potentiality.

Wise Woman
will remind You that

You are "Self-Sourced".

Wise Woman  will re-connect You to your Inner Cycles, the Cycles of Nature, the Cycles of the Cosmos.

Wise Woman will re-familiarise You with the Boundless Source of Energy that Lies in your Feminine Core.

Wise Woman will re-equip You with Tools to Heal Yourself, Live your Purpose, Fulfil your Destiny & Manifest your Dreams.

Wise Woman will re-orient You back to the Intuitive Guide & Power that Lies at the Heart-Womb of your Being.

Wise Woman will reveal the Goddess Within and attune to Her different frequencies and Powers.

Wise Woman will re-establish You in

Unity Consciousness.

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Wise Woman Training

Beloved Sister, if you're already feeling a Potential Yes moving through and have some questions...

I invite you to reach out.

Or continue to:

Learn More.

Your Guide

Hello beautiful, my name is Turiya

I'm a Lover of the Heart, Mystic, Yogini, Disciple of the Sacha Lineage, Rose Path Initiate & Moon Dancer.

I perceive this Body-Mind as Spirit Incarnate, which encompasses Mother Earth, Father Sky — and all of the Directions and Sacred Dimensions in this Timeless Reality.

I share from my own experience within this <currently> feminine form, and speak to only those that resonate.

I see the Womb, Heart, Throat and Crown as Direct Doorways into the Essence of our Divine Human Potentiality, which is our Birthright to BE Realised.

I follow the Ancient Feminine Mysteries as pointers leading me back to the

Wise Woman that I AM - embodying my glorious Wholeness.

And, through sheer Grace, I find mySelf Here, Now, With You, and ready, if You Are, to guide You on your Magnificent Journey Back Home to the Fullness of your Feminine Spirit.

Learn More >

Training Format

Live Weekly

Wise Woman Ceremony

Every week we will gather in Sacred Circle for a Live Wise Woman 2 Hour Council together.


Feminine Practices

This is Sacred Practice Time, where every week, we will move through Feminine Energy Practices to help us release and cultivate the particular imprint necessary for the Inner Work to be completed that Week.

Weekly Guided Rituals

Every Week you will receive materials to perform your own rituals in accordance with the specific energetics we will be connecting to as a Group.

Over the 7 Weeks your Connection with the Cyclic Phases of the Cosmos will be so strong that You will feel confident and ready to continue, and even guide other Women to connect to the Wise Woman Within once the Training will be complete.

Private Telegram Group

As part of the Training you will be held in a inspirational Telegram Container, this is to provide further support in your ongoing practice as well as inviting you to forge bonds with the other like-hearted
Wise Women. 

Weekly Training Materials & Reading

Every Week you will also receive a Workbook including Additional Reading, Contemplations and Inspirations for the Week ahead.

This is to be completed in your own time and in accordance with the availability of your schedule. This adds to the holistic working of this Training enabling you to work in subtler and subtler dimensions of your Psyche, Heart, Soul.

You will also receive these Transformative Bonuses... 

1 x 30 Minute

1:1 Integration Consultation

Monetary Value: €65

Soul Value: Priceless

 This 30-Minute 1:1 Consultation is Pure Gold. Upon completion of the Training, we will work through You, in your glorious You-niqueness and highlight any areas which need to be further explored and how to bring that

Wise Woman that lies Within out to play, asap.

Her Cycle

An e-Book & Guide

Monetary Value: €15

Soul Value: Priceless

This e-Book is a precious and essential basis to innerstand your Feminine Nature. This e-Book is part of my HerCycle e-Course and offers insight into your Feminine Rhythm, and the Rhythm of Nature. It includes insights as well as rituals to re-connect with your Feminine Essence.

Ayurvedic Dinacharya

Daily Routine

Monetary Value: €35

Soul Value: Priceless

Ayurveda is the Science of Life. 

It is the Ancient Yogic Healing System which sees us, individually, as unique formations of the Elements. Before we begin the   Wise Woman Training, you'll receive this Bonus incl. Video & Text Materials so that you can begin the Purification process.


Wise Woman

Training is for You If:


  • You're really serious about creating a dramatic shift in your Life.

  • You want to end the search of "finding yourSelf".

  • You're ready to experience the Full Spectrum of your Womanhood.

  • You want to Live your Purpose and Manifest your Dreams.

  • You long to feel more connected to your Sacred Body Temple and release personal and ancestral limitations.

  • You feel called to explore your Mystical Nature and Intuitive Capabilities.

  • You are ready to step into your Divine Power.

  • You're willing to give all you've got to this Process, because that's the only way you'll see and feel the intended results.

  • You are feeling an all-pervasive "Deep Yes" through all of your cells when reading this.


Apply Now

Wise Woman

Group Training

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Anchoring Within

Online e-Course

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1:1 Programs

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Returning to Love

Women's Online Transformational Journey 

Next Intake March 2024

An Alchemical Soulful Journey back into Complete Love for the Self.

Through Goddess Invocation, Activations & Practices; including Movement Medicine, Guided Journeying, Informational Presentations, Ritual, Meditation and Contemplation we will:

Purify, cleanse and celebrate the physical, mental, emotional layers of our Being

Unpeel and deconstruct limiting beliefs and conditioning

Unlock our Potential as the very Creative Life-Force from which all of Existence flows forth

Reclaim our voice, and dance in authentic, alive expression

Open our wings to joy, beauty and abundance in all aspects of Life

Resurrect Love for All as our Mission here on Earth


Live 1.5 Hour Weekly Group Ceremony & Practice

Weekly Guided Video Content: Exercises & Practices

Weekly Meditations & Activations

Daily Contemplations & Inspirations via WhatsApp/Telegram Channel.

Sacred Women's Circle & Community

20 minute 1:1 Integration Call


The timing of this Journey has been birthed in accordance with the Moon & Zodiac Calendar. Harnessing the New Moon Energy, we begin on Sunday 10th March and move through into the completion of One Full Moon Cycle. As such, we will be supported and guided by the specific universal frequencies available at this particular time. 

Sunday 10th March

Opening Ceremony

Invoking the Presence of Kali Ma

19:00 - 20:30 GMT

Sunday 17th March

Invoking the Grace of White Tara

19:00 - 20:30 GMT

Sunday 24th March

Invoking the Wisdom of Saraswati Ma

19:00 - 20:30 GMT 

Sunday 31st March

Closing Ceremony

Invoking the Abundance of Maha Lakshmi
19:00 - 20:30 GMT


Like the metamorphosis of a Butterfly, our Journey together will begin internalised, excavating those false beliefs that keep us stuck, keep us bound. Then, nourished, energised, inspired, driven by the impulse of Freedom, we will pierce through, together, finding our wings, then taking flight into the un-ending New Dawn of Infinite Love for All.

Without giving too much away at this point, some of themes of the exercises will be focused upon:

Mystical Hindu Goddess Exploration

Key-Code Activations

Chakra-Work, Breath-Work, Polarity

Embodied Movement Practices

Nervous System Regulation

Sacred sounding

Integration Techniques

Behavioural re-mapping

Conscious Creation

Cultivating Abundance, the Art of Manifesting

And so much more…

All that is shared is actively infusing my own day-to-day Way of Being - so the practices and rituals are relevant, alive, potent.

Integration of all that is shared, felt, lived in this container is of the upmost importance for me, which is why at the end of the Journey You will be invited to have a 1:1 ~ 20minute Integration call with me so that what has been seeded can weave in the most seamless way after the physical journey has concluded together. Even though, energetically speaking, the Circle can remain open for however long you wish.


Early Bird: £160

Regular: £260

Limited number of Women to create intimate container.

If you have financial issues, please contact to discuss options available.

Book your Space

HerCycle e-Course 

A Self-Paced Journey to reconnect with your Cyclical Nature.

This e-Course holds some of The Keys for You to Attune, Align and Embody the Fullest Expression of your Sacred Feminine Essence. 

We are Cyclical, Magnificent Beings, and when we Come Home to this Inherent Knowingness, 

our Bodies, our Minds, our Hearts, our Energy, our Relationships, our Work, YES - every aspect of our Life, can be alchemised in the Pure Gold of Radiant Beingness.

Regular Investment: £90

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Whether You are still menstruating or not, whether You have a physcial womb or not, this e-Course is for anyone that feels a call to re-discover and reclaim their Natural Cycle in accordance with the Cosmos.

If You are peri or post menapausal, or if You have had a hysterectomy, You are still SO welcome here Beloved. The energtic blueprint of the Womb is still alive and kicking - and what's more You can sync the different phases in accordance with Sister Moon, because as I said before, "As Above, so Below" and the different phases of the Moon directly correlate with the different phases of our Monthly Cycle. 










HerCycle e-Course 

Within this e-Course You will receive, bespoke content and practice for each of the Four Phases of your Monthly Bleed or Moon Cycle: 

4 x 1-Hour Women's Yoga Video Sessions

Including tailored Asanas (Poses) and Practices to honour your Body Temple and harness the transformative energies present at this time

4 x 15-Minute Meditation Audio Recordings 

Guiding You into the Inner Realms of your Being, to find the Gold Within via the power of visualisation

4 x Written Rituals

For You to Practice aligned to the Bleed/Moon Cycle to harness the energetic potential available during these monthly magical thresholds.

4 x Videos

 To Welcome, Create your Intention, Consecrate and Close this Sacred Journey together.

 1 x Detailed e-Book

65 pages of Pure Gold, featuring Explanations, Inspirations and Contemplations to support You in this Journey back Home to your Cyclical Embodied Wisdom.


A 15 Minute Yoga Nidra Audio Recording

Inviting You into total rest and relaxation - allowing all tension to melt on the level of Body, Mind, Spirit. This is really beautiful to practice after the Women's Yoga Session or just generally when you need to deeply rest and restore during the month.

Investment: £90

Begin Today

Wise Woman

Group Training

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Anchoring Within

Online e-Course

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1:1 Programs

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A 5-Week Online Meditation e-Course Journey

Anchoring Within

Meditation is a Transformational Tool which helps us re-learn how to deeply relax Body and Mind - but more than that, Meditation helps us to taste that Deeper Dimension of Who We Really Are.

During this Five-Week Online Meditation

e-Course we will explore a variety of profound Meditation Techniques and Practices to connect to the Stillness, Vibrancy and Clarity that is the very Essence of your Being, offering a fresh and centred perspective to Daily Life.

Every Week you will receive the Materials for that particular Week for you to complete in accordance with your own schedule, as this Online is Pre-Recorded - it is ready for You to begin, Now.

Course Curriculum:

Week 1:

Exploring the role of the Body Temple

Week 2:

Exploring the role of the Divine Breath

Week 3:

Exploring the role of the Cosmic Mind

Week 4:

Exploring the role of the Holy Senses

Week 5:

Exploring the role of the Sacred Heart

You'll receive:

Informative and engaging Video Presentations (x4hrs)

Guided Audio Meditation Recordings (x10)

Detailed Written Papers (Weekly)

Contemplations & Micro Practices (Weekly)

As well as
Special Bonus Materials:

Video Guided Energy Activation Practice

Video Guided Daily Warm-Up Exercises

Video Guided Seated Postures & Mudras

After the very First Week, an inspired daily Meditation Practice can be established or strengthened. 


Regular: £120


I have gained more Awareness and can practise independently now. 

"Whether you are new or experienced to Meditation I highly recommend Turiya's sessions.

I have just completed the 5-Week Anchoring Within Meditation Course and found it fascinating as well as enlightening about the differing practices of Yoga and Meditation.

Turiya blends them so well and gives reassurance to people who struggle to meditate. (me included)

I feel I have gained more Awareness and can practise independently now. 

Thank you Turiya. I hope to join you again in the near future to continue my path into Stillness.”

Karen, Spain

I’ve reconnected, opened my mind and heart and realised my path forward.

"This Course with Turiya was just what I needed, I feel refreshed in every way.

My heart has been opened and I have learned so much.

I have been equipped with the skills I need to be the real me, I’ve reconnected, opened my mind and heart and realised my path forward.

Thank you Turiya for giving me access to this light feeling inside and for releasing a heavy weight that I hadn’t realised was weighing me down. I recommend this Course to anyone, you are in good hands with Turiya, she is highly qualified and her wisdom shines through."

Donna, Wales

Her teaching is based on personal study and research as well as practical experience. 

"Turiya delivers her Courses with calmness and quiet humour.

She emanates the love and light she intends to share with you. Her voice is naturally calm and mellow, lending itself to meditation.

Her teaching is based on personal study and research as well as practical experience. Her lessons are well planned, interesting and informative. 

If you take the teachings on board and you are disciplined enough to use them consistently in your daily life, you certainly feel the benefit. 

I wouldn't hesitate to recommend her to you."

Sally, UK

Anchoring Within  e-Course Content:

Week One

This Week is all about your beautiful Body.

Because our Body is the foundation of our very life existence here on the Planet in this incarnation - literally “incarnation” means to be in flesh and bone.

Therefore the Body is our foundation, our starting point for this 5-Week Journey ahead.

This Week You will:

Remember how precious your Body is

Remember how to ground into your Body Remember how to relax your Body.

Week Two

This Week is all about your beautiful Breath.

Because our Breath is what enables us to actually be alive, Here, Now. Quite simply, without the Breath, the Body would not function.

Therefore the Breath is our dear friend guiding us to that infinite space of calm within. This Week we re-friend this loyal and life-giving companion.

This Week You will:

Remember how precious your Breath is

Remember how to properly breathe

Remember how the Breath is our reliable gateway to Inner Peace and our True Self.

Week Three

This Week is all about your beautiful Mind.

Because for most of us, it is our Thinking “monkey” Mind which creates so much turbulence in our inner world, which then reflects itself in our outer world.

Therefore once we learn to let our thoughts just be, like clouds in the Sky, we realise that no matter the number of clouds, there is always the calm blue Sky behind. This Week we re-familiarise ourselves with that blue Sky.

This Week You will:

Re-define your relationship with your thoughts

Remember how to witness thoughts

Remember how in this witnessing we open to the Background of Stillness from which all rises and falls.

Week Four

This Week is all about your beautiful Senses.

Because the 5 Senses are powerful gateways to step more fully into the Present Moment. To feel, to hear, to taste, to see, to smell the radical aliveness of Life itself pulsating, Here, Now.

Going further, having brought our Awareness down to our Senses, we can re- connect with the dynamic Source of Creation itself. This Week we remember our energetic aliveness and the power of Presence.

This Week You will:

Re-discover the power, pleasure and potency of your 5 senses.

Remember what True Presence feels like.

Re-connect with the all-pervasive energy of the Universe, whilst maintaining the ability to witness the play as it unfolds.

Week Five

This Week is all about your beautiful Heart.

Because your Heart is your greatest instrument to bring peace unto yourself and others. When we live with an Open Heart, we say yes to Life & allow the blood of Life, which is Love, to flow freely.

The Journey for many is from the Head, down to the Heart. When we remember the latent potential of the Heart, we awaken to our highest purpose as Human Beings. This Week we remember the power of the Heart & choose to live from that space.

This Week You will:

Re-awaken your Heart.

Remember the wisdom that flows from this intuitive seat of your Being.

Reclaim the nectar of Love which is your birthright and shower it upon every cell of your being, so that it naturally flows out to infuse all those in your presence.

New Title

Begin Today

Start 2023 off right, and join this Intensive and Complete

Anchoring Within Online Meditation Journey

As this is an e-Course, with Pre-Recorded Materials, it means that You can begin the Journey, Today.

All Inclusive of:

4 x Hours of Engaging and Video Content

10 x Audio Meditation Recordings

Weekly Detailed & Inspiring Written Papers

Weekly Contemplations & Micro-Practices.

Plus Bonuses:

Video Guided Energy Activation Practice

Video Guided Daily Warm-Up Exercises

Video Guided Seated Postures & Mudras

The Key to Real Transformation is to Find the Anchor Within.

Investment: £120

Frequently Asked Questions

If your question isn't answered below, drop me an email Beloved One and I'll be happy to help.

  • Do you only work with Women?

    No, the Anchoring Within Online Meditation e-Course is also open for Men to join! 

    It is true however, that for my other Offerings, they are directed towards Women (see next Questions & Answers for further clarification on this, as this can be quite a sticky and delicate topic). This is purely because all that is shared comes through my own Direct Experience, and in this LifeTime I have chosen an incarnation in a Female Body. Therefore this is what I relate to, as this is the Vessel of this current Journey. So, I speak and share from this Seat, feeling that this is most authentic for me, and to those who may (or may not) identify themselves as a Woman. 

    My Offerings are geared towards those that hold this identification, whether that be physcially,energetically, emotionally etc. See proceeding questions and answers for further clarity.

    I am not purposfully excluding anyone, rather I am narrowing my target so that this Work can be most effective to those who resonate, rather than it being a watered down version appealing to everyone and losing its potency and authenticity. 

    Basically I feel that my work is most powerful when those that I share with, can relate to it also, on some level. My Meditation e-Course however goes beyond this!

  • Why do you refer so much to binary gender contructs?

    Language is limited and cannot express and hold the plethora of unique expressions of Divine Humanness that we are blooming into as Consciousness. Just to make it clear, I welcome You, exactly how you are, and respect You totally.

    When I refer to "Women" or "Woman", I am referring to anyone (whether that be physcially or not) who identifies themselves or wants to work with, that aspect of their humanness.

     We operate in a Dualistic Realm, there is day and night, hot and cold, good and bad. Not one without the other. In Taoist Philosophy they refer to Yin and Yang to denote the Feminine and Masculine Principals. In Yogic philosophy they talk about Shakti and Shiva. Shakti the energetic force of creation itself, That which births, and Shiva, that vast spacious background from which the birthing springs forth. Rather than focusing on the limited use of the words I use (I do not intend to exclude or offend anyone) I rather invite you to open to the deeper significance of what I am refering to. In that, my Offerings are for those that wish to deepen into that Mothering Aspect of our Reality, which in recent times has been forgotten, ignored and neglected, to restore balance to All.

  • You only speak about the Feminine, what about the Masculine?

    As I refered to in the previous Question & Answer. The Feminine cannot be without the Masculine and Masculine cannot be without the Feminine. 

    When I refer to Feminine and Masculine, I am not referring to the constructs of gender, but rather the energetics behind these Principals. As Divine Humans, we hold both the Feminine and the Masculine within our own very Being. Some traditions describe the Feminine aspect of our Being as the "receptive" part, That with takes-in, and the Masculine as the "expressive" part, That which gives-out. Our Mission (for most, not all) is to seek balance within this dance of polarity; or at least for each quality to express itself accurately in-balance, so that there is harmony.

    From my perspective, and from many within this field, there is a current imbalance with the Feminine and Masculine poles, being more tilted towards the latter, and actually the Masculine pole being in a distorted positioning (reflected in current power struggles, war mindset, little respect for Mother Earth). In order to re-balance, there is the deep feeling that the Feminine must be Remembered, which will then automatically re-calibrate our Human Experience on Earth at this time. 

    Again, this is not just the work of those that identify or feel most themSelves within a female form, but also within the male form, addressing their feminine aspect. 

    My Work, as explained in the first Question is geared towards women, simply because this is my personal direct experience and reference point in this current incarnation. 

    And also, it is my perspective, that depending on which "Form" we have in this LifeTime, or at least the  Aspect we feel most ourSelves with, that this opens us to a more accute experience of That particular aspect, and where the most work needs to be done to free us from karmic imprinting. 

  • I don't have a physical Womb, is your Work still open to me?

    Oh yes Beloved. Whether you have a physcial Womb or not, my Work is open to You. By bringing our Awareness down to the energetic space of this portal, we can attune to Her frequency and vibration. The energetic imprint is just as, if not more potent in this Womb Awakening, Rememberance and Communion. When we do so, we also come into alignment with the Cosmic Womb of Creation itSelf, again beyond gender, that cauldron from which all of Life pours forth.

  • Are you a Feminist?

    I do not relate to the common notion of this label, as in recent times it has been linked to raising the Feminine higher than the Masculine. From my perspective this is firstly not possible, because as described earlier we have both Feminine and Masculine aspects within our Being; but secondly we stay in the perpetual realm of separation versus union. 

    I am a Femininst in the sense that I honour Her, and see Her as the Creative Mother of All. But I am also a Masculinist in the sense that I honour Him, and see Him as the Creator Father of All. 

    I feel the the label (If I am to have one!) would be Divine Humanist - honouring both the Masculine and Feminine within mySelf

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