
Bespoke 1:1 Offerings


A Four-Week 1:1 Mentoring Program

Work with me in this precious and transformative
One-to-One 4-Week Container,

Every Week You will receive:

✓ 1.5 Hour Live Ceremonial Session via Zoom ✓ Deepening Studies Booklet
✓ Guided Embodiment-Ritual Practices ✓ Integration Call
Book Discovery Call

Descent is a 1:1 Four Week Personalised Program - with the intention of shepherding you through the dark passage of Samhain into the enveloping light of Winter Solstice.

We find ourselves in an opportune moment in the Wheel of the Year to dive into the shadows, into the dark feminine, into the unconscious - so that we can really see what has been hidden, be with what has been hidden, so that it can become integrated and we can emerge in our wholeness.

Please note that this Program is first-come-first serve to two clients only.

Beginning week commencing 20th November and concluding pre Winter Solstice. Times for live Zoom Sessions can be planned in accordance with your schedule.

The Descent Journey

Theme One

Healing the Witch Wound

Theme Two

Navigating the Shadow

Theme Three

Awakening the Rose Priestess

Theme Four

Embodying the Wise Woman

What you'll receive: 

Every week you’ll receive a 1:1 1.5 hour weekly ceremonial session on Zoom.

A Deeper studies Booklet where we will explore main theories and depth psychological perspectives to further embed what will be directly experienced through the 1:1 sessions.

A Weekly At-Home Guided Embodiment Ritual to weave the teaching deeper into your living life as prayer in action. 

Descent is centred upon four main modules:

Healing the Witch Wound

Navigating the Shadow

Awakening the Rose Priestess

Embodying the Wise Woman

However the format and program delivery will be individualised to meet your process and needs.


"I felt so safe and seen"

Filippa, Artist, Scandinavia

"I am in awe of the Space that you held for us. I felt so safe and seen. The wisdom that you shared truly resonated with me, thank you".

"I will always get involved"

Anna, Teacher, Manchester

"Turiya has inspired me to continue my Spiritual Journey. I will always get involved with anything she puts forward."

"Journey of many emotions"

Mandy, Coordinator, Spain

"It's been a Journey of many emotions, Love, Joy, Peace, Self Enquiry and much more."

"How far I have come"

Hannah, IT Specialist, UK

"I am sometimes just struck by how far I have come without even realising it".

"A very special energy"

Sylva, Diving Guide, Spain

"A very special person with a very special energy. One can only gain by simply sharing time and space in Turiya's presence."

"I feel real Union"

Gizem, Yoga Guide, Spain

"My Body, my Mind, my Soul start dancing together on the melody that is orchestrated by Turiya and I feel real Union with Pure Love."

Why Descent?

We can not be who we long to be without being really honest with those parts of ourself that are self-sabotaging - self harming - self negating.

The Descent Journey is a natural journey that all women must undertake. It is from a place of conscious descent that we can then rise into a stable and integrated place of feminine power.

We need not be afraid of the dark, we need only hone our skill to be able to see in the dark.

I can only share and transmit what I myself have lived, through my own spiritual journey, along with my Masters studies into the feminine descent narrative, I offer held, nurturing and inspiring support to shepherd you through this phase so that you can clear the way for the seeds of your beauty to bloom when the time comes.

When we start to work in alignment with the Wheel of the Year, it is like we are entering into a slipstream of supportive energies to quicken and deepen the process.

At this point in the year, we have an opportunity to descend into the darkness, so that we can learn and integrate aspects of the shadow, returning to our fullness ready for the birthing of light with the Winter Solstice. The Descent is a natural part of our cyclical nature, and especially in the arc of our womanhood.

Are you ready beloved?

The Investment for the

Descent 1:1 Mentoring Program


All Inclusive for the entire 4-Week Container.

Payment Plans Available. Book Today via the Paypal Link below.

Please note that this Program is first-come-first serve to two clients only. Beginning week commencing 20th November and concluding pre Winter Solstice. Times for live Zoom Sessions can be planned in accordance with your schedule.

Embodied Spirit

1:1 Mentoring Program

Every New Quarter, I open the doors to a unique and powerful portal to one or two Women that want to work with me on a 1:1 Three Month Basis.

This is a 9-Week Deep Soul Uncovering, Re-wiring and Manifesting Program that works on all levels of your Being to restore a sense of Wholeness, Vibrancy and Direction to your Path on the Earth Plane.

It's a highly bespoke Program, which is designed around You. Together on our Discovery Call and proceeding Program Introductory Call we launch into the very Fabric of your objectives, dreams, fears, which then forms the basis for our 9-Week Evolutionary Journey together.

The Name Embodied Spirit was channelled for this Program because it is the medium of balances the two realms, Spirit - the heavens, & Body - the Earth. We as Divine Humans are Living Conduits  of the Space above and the Space Below. Not one can be without the other in this Great Work of coming back Home to our Fullness in this LifeTime.

Here, I am not just a Spiritual Guide, I am not just an Embodiment Coach - I am That Bridge between the Two, an informative, intuitive, supportive and solid sign-post in Your Journey of Realising Your Higher Self — whilst grounding it down and weaving it through your physical existence here on Earth, in this magical LifeTime.

As I said, this Program is highly Bespoke to meet your personal needs and requirements in a 1:1 environment, but example themes that we may work through include:

  • Past life regressions
  • Subconscious exploration
  • Uncovering the Divine Feminine
  • Uncovering the Divine Masculine
  • Moving from Separation into Unity Consciousness
  • Purification, physical healing, energetic re-calibration
  • Attachment mechanisms
  • Finding you Authentic Soul Voice
  • Aligned Manifestation
  • Mastering Feminine Sexual Energy
  • Revealing Innate Joy & Pleasure
  • Goddess Invocations & Attunements.

Book Discovery Call

Embodied Spirit

1:1 Mentoring Program

Working with me in this precious and transformative One-to-One 9-Week Container,

Every Week You will receive:

✓ 1.5 Hour Live Call ✓ Contemplations & Inspirations
✓ Guided Recordings ✓ Weekly WhatsApp Support
Book Discovery Call

Beloved, You will also receive the following Bonuses:


An e-Book & Guide

Working through the different levels of our Being, these practical and easy pillars will help You to move from a state of potential dis-ease to your original Radiant Essence.

Manifesting Magic


Abundance is everywhere and ever-present, in this 1 Hour Masterclass we will explore the key ways to harness your Natural Abundant Nature and allow it to flow through into manifestation.

The Investment for the

Embodied Spirit
1:1 Mentoring Prog


(Worth: £1,997)

All Inclusive for the entire 9-Week Container.

Paid in 3 x Monthly Installments.

Book Discovery Call

Frequently Asked Questions

If your question isn't answered below, drop me an email Beloved One and I'll be happy to help.

  • Do you only work with Women?

    No, the Anchoring Within Online Meditation e-Course is also open for Men to join! 

    It is true however, that for my other Offerings, they are directed towards Women (see next Questions & Answers for further clarification on this, as this can be quite a sticky and delicate topic). This is purely because all that is shared comes through my own Direct Experience, and in this LifeTime I have chosen an incarnation in a Female Body. Therefore this is what I relate to, as this is the Vessel of this current Journey. So, I speak and share from this Seat, feeling that this is most authentic for me, and to those who may (or may not) identify themselves as a Woman. 

    My Offerings are geared towards those that hold this identification, whether that be physcially,energetically, emotionally etc. See proceeding questions and answers for further clarity.

    I am not purposfully excluding anyone, rather I am narrowing my target so that this Work can be most effective to those who resonate, rather than it being a watered down version appealing to everyone and losing its potency and authenticity. 

    Basically I feel that my work is most powerful when those that I share with, can relate to it also, on some level. My Meditation e-Course however goes beyond this!

  • Why do you refer so much to binary gender contructs?

    Language is limited and cannot express and hold the plethora of unique expressions of Divine Humanness that we are blooming into as Consciousness. Just to make it clear, I welcome You, exactly how you are, and respect You totally.

    When I refer to "Women" or "Woman", I am referring to anyone (whether that be physcially or not) who identifies themselves or wants to work with, that aspect of their humanness.

     We operate in a Dualistic Realm, there is day and night, hot and cold, good and bad. Not one without the other. In Taoist Philosophy they refer to Yin and Yang to denote the Feminine and Masculine Principals. In Yogic philosophy they talk about Shakti and Shiva. Shakti the energetic force of creation itself, That which births, and Shiva, that vast spacious background from which the birthing springs forth. Rather than focusing on the limited use of the words I use (I do not intend to exclude or offend anyone) I rather invite you to open to the deeper significance of what I am refering to. In that, my Offerings are for those that wish to deepen into that Mothering Aspect of our Reality, which in recent times has been forgotten, ignored and neglected, to restore balance to All.

  • You only speak about the Feminine, what about the Masculine?

    As I refered to in the previous Question & Answer. The Feminine cannot be without the Masculine and Masculine cannot be without the Feminine. 

    When I refer to Feminine and Masculine, I am not referring to the constructs of gender, but rather the energetics behind these Principals. As Divine Humans, we hold both the Feminine and the Masculine within our own very Being. Some traditions describe the Feminine aspect of our Being as the "receptive" part, That with takes-in, and the Masculine as the "expressive" part, That which gives-out. Our Mission (for most, not all) is to seek balance within this dance of polarity; or at least for each quality to express itself accurately in-balance, so that there is harmony.

    From my perspective, and from many within this field, there is a current imbalance with the Feminine and Masculine poles, being more tilted towards the latter, and actually the Masculine pole being in a distorted positioning (reflected in current power struggles, war mindset, little respect for Mother Earth). In order to re-balance, there is the deep feeling that the Feminine must be Remembered, which will then automatically re-calibrate our Human Experience on Earth at this time. 

    Again, this is not just the work of those that identify or feel most themSelves within a female form, but also within the male form, addressing their feminine aspect. 

    My Work, as explained in the first Question is geared towards women, simply because this is my personal direct experience and reference point in this current incarnation. 

    And also, it is my perspective, that depending on which "Form" we have in this LifeTime, or at least the  Aspect we feel most ourSelves with, that this opens us to a more accute experience of That particular aspect, and where the most work needs to be done to free us from karmic imprinting. 

  • I don't have a physical Womb, is your Work still open to me?

    Oh yes Beloved. Whether you have a physcial Womb or not, my Work is open to You. By bringing our Awareness down to the energetic space of this portal, we can attune to Her frequency and vibration. The energetic imprint is just as, if not more potent in this Womb Awakening, Rememberance and Communion. When we do so, we also come into alignment with the Cosmic Womb of Creation itSelf, again beyond gender, that cauldron from which all of Life pours forth.

  • Are you a Feminist?

    I do not relate to the common notion of this label, as in recent times it has been linked to raising the Feminine higher than the Masculine. From my perspective this is firstly not possible, because as described earlier we have both Feminine and Masculine aspects within our Being; but secondly we stay in the perpetual realm of separation versus union. 

    I am a Femininst in the sense that I honour Her, and see Her as the Creative Mother of All. But I am also a Masculinist in the sense that I honour Him, and see Him as the Creator Father of All. 

    I feel the the label (If I am to have one!) would be Divine Humanist - honouring both the Masculine and Feminine within mySelf

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