
Namaste Beautiful,

My name is Turiya.

I'm a Lover of the Heart, Mystic, Yogini, Disciple of the Sacha Lineage, Rose Path Initiate & Moon Dancer.

I am in humble Service to the Mother-Father Creator during this Time of Great Awakening currently unfolding on Planet.

I perceive this Body-Mind as Spirit Incarnate, which encompasses Mother Earth, Father Sky — and all of the Directions and Sacred Dimensions in this Timeless Reality.

I share from my own experience within this <currently> feminine form, and speak to only those that resonate.

I see the Womb, Heart, Throat and Crown as Direct Doorways into the Essence of our Divine Human Potentiality, which is our Birthright to BE Realised.

I follow the Ancient Feminine Mysteries as pointers leading me back to the Wise Woman that I AM - embodying my glorious Wholeness.

And, through sheer Grace, I find mySelf Here, Now, With You, and ready, if You Are, to guide You on your Magnificent Journey Back Home to the Fullness of your Feminine Spirit.

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The Beginning

There was a deep churning of recollection when I crossed paths with Hridaya Yoga Mexico in 2015 where I lived, served and practiced over an intense period of two years.

During this period, a profound Remembrance of unfiltered Beingness was uncovered; namely through multiple Silent Meditation Retreats, Dark Room Retreats, a 600hr+ Hridaya Teacher Training, and a 59-Day Silent Retreat; as well as precious explorations of Tantra, the Divine Feminine and Ayurveda.

From this point, there was a paradigm shift of my perception and experience of this Life, and thankfully, simply No Way Back.

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The Middle

Then, in Autumn 2017, the Feminine invited me to plunge even deeper, when I processed a Rite Of Passage from the Young Maiden to the Mother in archetypal terminology.

I said goodbye to my Girlhood and welcomed, with deep trust, this unfolding, albeit painful, passage into my fully-fledged Womanhood.

I directly realised the full potency of the Womb Space, this Mystical Cauldron of both Life and Death.

And that from this point, Her Story, not His Story (History as we know it) wanted to be both known and told.

Her Voice wanted to be heard and shared.

Her Vision wanted to be seen and manifested to birth the Revival of the Feminine Way to re-establish the Great Balance on Planet, for the for the benefit of All. 

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The Continuation

A deep prayer from the depths of my Inner Being began to resonate in all my cells, I wanted to receive Wisdom Teachings from a Female Vessel.

After teaching in a Divine Feminine Retreat in Bali, I spent a life-altering period with the Divine Mother incarnate, Amma, at her Ashram in India, which then, at the beginning of 2020 led me to (re)encounter my Guru on the Earthly plane, ShantiMayi.

In that same year, a strong connection with Mary Magdalene was (re)established, and I am graced to receive her Love, Direction and Support on this evolution into the Divine Human that I AM.

As with all sincere prayers, they are all answered, in accordance with Cosmic Timing.

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The Present

I retreat regularly with my Guru in the Pyrenees to receive the Grace of the Sacha Lineage and unpeel further layers of separation.

Whilst also nourishing and paying homage to my Earthly Roots, by coming into Sacred Circle with my AtlachinolliMeztli Moon Dance Sisters.

In addition to my Offerings, after remembering the Call of the Rose, my Rose Heart Sister, Vira Maria, and I joined forces to birth Sanctuary Rosa Mystica, offering Mystical Pilgrimages, following in the Earthly Footsteps of Mary Magdalene & the Rose Priestess Order.

My Vision

"I got Water in my blood,

Earth in my bones,

Fire in my Heart —

So I'm never alone.

Sacred Women I AM."

Atlachinollimeztli Moon Dance Prayer


A New World is Dawning.

Consciousness is Shifting.

We Are Remembering.

In the Ancient Times, we Wise Women were respected.

Our Vision. Our Voice. Our Connection. Our Clarity.

In the Modern Times, we Wise Women were burnt, silenced, controlled and suppressed.

As such we lost the connection to the Wisdom of our own Body, to the Wisdom of the Plants, to the Wisdom of the Minerals, to the Wisdom of the Cycles, to the Wisdom of the Moon, to the Wisdom of the Stars.

We were the Ones who in our bleeding time (seen then as a blessing, not as a curse) had the Insight, had the Foresight, had the Vision which led the community forward, in harmony With Nature, because We Felt Ourselves As Nature.

The Time to Remember is Now.

And the Vision is that Every Woman and Every Man must re-ignite the Feminine Wisdom of the Ancient Times into the Time of Now. 

We are calling it ALL back:

Our Wisdom

Our Voice

Our Power

Our Connection

We as Women play a crucial role in this Remembrance, because when we Remember, this will naturally invoke the Divine Masculine to come forth. So that the Great Balance of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine can herald in the New Era together, married, united as One.

Are you with me Beloved Sister?

Join the Tribe.

"The Great Work that is beginning is the Realisation of the Feminine as the Bridge between God and Humankind."

Marion Woodman

How I work

Gone are the notions of Working to Live. I Live to Work, to Serve, to Love, and I trust that what I transmit will encourage That Remembrance Within You. 

The KeyWord here is "Transmission".

All what I share is a unique download relevant for that Particular Moment in Time and Space, directed specifically to You.

Yes there are Training Curriculums and Session Outlines for the Work I offer to my Clients, but what is offered freely flows from the Great Creatrix of all, I am Her vessel.

What Transmission gifts is a present, relatable and fluid river of elixir that quenches one's thirst for Self-Knowledge. No two Sessions will ever be the same, oh the Great Dance of the Feminine at Work.

Wise Woman


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Embodied Spirit

1:1 Program

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So How Do I Work?

Harnessing the Natural Cycles

I work in alignment with my own Menstrual Cycle, the Lunar Cycle, & the Celtic Wheel of the Year.


Divine Inspiration

I work when the Holy Inspiration is there from Her, without any force or push. I relax. I flow.I bridge my inner feminine and inner masculine.

Surrendering to
Divine Guidance

I work by opening mySelf fully to allow the Divine Mother to flow through me and create organically.  

Maintaining  Sadhana

A consistent and supportive Sadhana offers a stable base & increased clarity for my work as a Guide.



I honour the Dark and the Light, as both must be acknowledged for True Transformation to unfold and deepen.


Yes, I pray.

I pray that I may be a vehicle of the Divine, for the benefit of All. I offer all the fruits to Her & Him.

Invoking the Divine Mother

I invoke the Divine Mother in her different forms: Hindu, Gnostic Christian, Egyptian & Celtic. 



I perform rituals, purifications & earth-based magic to support my Work.

Frequently Asked Questions

If your question isn't answered below, drop me an email Beloved One and I'll be happy to help.

  • Do you only work with Women?

    The Main Focus in this stage of My Offerings is directed towards Women (see next Questions & Answers for further clarification on this, as this can be quite a sticky and delicate topic). This is purely because all that is shared comes through my own Direct Experience, and in this LifeTime I have chosen an incarnation in a Female Body. Therefore this is what I relate to, as this is the Vessel of this current Journey. So, I speak and share from this Seat, feeling that this is most authentic for me, and to those who may (or may not) identify or relate themselves to the label "Woman". 

    My Offerings are geared towards those that hold this identification/connection, whether that be physcially,energetically, emotionally etc. See proceeding questions and answers for further clarity.

    I am not purposfully excluding anyone, rather I am narrowing my target so that this Work can be most effective to those who resonate, rather than it being a watered down version appealing to everyone and losing its potency and authenticity. 

    I do however work with men when I collaborate with my Heart Brother, Julio Garreta, in our Silent Meditation Retreats and 5-Day Immersives. 

    Basically I feel that my work is most powerful when those that I share with, can relate to it also, on some level.

  • Why do you refer so much to binary gender contructs?

    Language is limited and cannot express and hold the plethora of unique expressions of Divine Humanness that we are blooming into as Consciousness. Just to make it clear, I welcome You, exactly how you are, and respect You totally.

    When I refer to "Women" or "Woman", I am referring to anyone (whether that be physcially or not) who identifies themselves or wants to work with, that aspect of their humanness.

     We operate in a Dualistic Realm, there is day and night, hot and cold, good and bad. Not one without the other. In Taoist Philosophy they refer to Yin and Yang to denote the Feminine and Masculine Principals. In Yogic philosophy they talk about Shakti and Shiva. Shakti the energetic force of creation itself, That which births, and Shiva, that vast spacious background from which the birthing springs forth. Rather than focusing on the limited use of the words I use (I do not intend to exclude or offend anyone) I rather invite you to open to the deeper significance of what I am refering to. In that, my Offerings are for those that wish to deepen into that Mothering Aspect of our Reality, which in recent times has been forgotten, ignored and neglected, to restore balance to All.

  • You only speak about the Feminine, what about the Masculine?

    As I refered to in the previous Question & Answer. The Feminine cannot be without the Masculine and Masculine cannot be without the Feminine. 

    When I refer to Feminine and Masculine, I am not referring to the constructs of gender, but rather the energetics behind these Principals. As Divine Humans, we hold both the Feminine and the Masculine within our own very Being. Some traditions describe the Feminine aspect of our Being as the "receptive" part, That with takes-in, and the Masculine as the "expressive" part, That which gives-out. Our Mission (for most, not all) is to seek balance within this dance of polarity; or at least for each quality to express itself accurately in-balance, so that there is harmony.

    From my perspective, and from many within this field, there is a current imbalance with the Feminine and Masculine poles, being more tilted towards the latter, and actually the Masculine pole being in a distorted positioning (reflected in current power struggles, war mindset, little respect for Mother Earth etc). In order to re-balance, there is the deep feeling that the Feminine must be Remembered, which will then automatically re-calibrate our Human Experience on Earth at this time.

    Again, this is not just the work of those that identify or feel most themSelves within a female form, but also within the male form, addressing their feminine aspect, and also coming forth into their Divine Masculine. This is a time for our dear Brothers to come forth and do their work, and play their part. In fact, there is much brilliant Mens Work occuring to deconstruct and re-create in this sphere. I am in total support of this, and know that this is contributing and is of the up-most importance to the great Re-Balancing currently unfolding. Really, it is together, that we will rise.

    My Work, as explained in the first Question is geared towards women, simply because this is my personal direct experience and reference point in this current incarnation. 

    And also, it is my perspective, that depending on which "Form" we have in this LifeTime, or at least the  Aspect we feel most ourSelves with, that this opens us to a more accute experience of That particular aspect, and where the most work needs to be done to free us from karmic imprinting. 

  • I don't have a physical Womb, is your Work still open to me?

    Oh yes Beloved. Whether you have a physcial Womb or not, my Work is open to You. By bringing our Awareness down to the energetic space of this portal, we can attune to Her frequency and vibration. The energetic imprint is just as, if not more potent in this Womb Awakening, Rememberance and Communion. When we do so, we also come into alignment with the Cosmic Womb of Creation itSelf, again beyond gender, that cauldron from which all of Life pours forth.

  • Are you a Feminist?

    I do not relate to the common notion of this label, as in recent times it has been linked to raising the Feminine higher than the Masculine. From my perspective this is firstly not possible, because as described earlier we have both Feminine and Masculine aspects within our Being; but secondly we stay in the perpetual realm of separation versus union. 

    I am a Femininst in the sense that I honour Her, and see Her as the Creative Mother of All. But I am also a Masculinist in the sense that I honour Him, and see Him as the Creator Father of All. 

    I feel the the label (If I am to have one!) would be Divine Humanist - honouring both the Masculine and Feminine within mySelf.

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